Friday, March 18, 2011


Hi ladies im here to bring you finally =] the jewlary i planned on opening a etsy store but decided i no longer wanted to im just going to sell them on my blog and when i run out i run out i might reorder depending on the demand since it takes about 3 weeks for the jewlary to get here if you are interested please drop me a email a @............. and on subject write jewlary so i know what the email is about I ONLY EXECPT PAYPAL thank you for looking have a great day =]OHHH SILLY ME I FORGOT PRICING OKAY SO ALL NECKLACES ARE 4 DOLLARS U.S. FREE SHIPPING AND IF YOU ARE INTERNATION AT 2 DOLLAR SHIPPING THANK YOU

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I have been gone for so longggg =]

OMMMYY ...I seems like forever since I have posted in my blog but I have been so super busy I just forgot =/ daughter takes up soo much of my time and now that shes 2 shes a active little toddler I can belive how much time has passed and how crazy these past 2 years have been ....I still cant belive my sweet little girl is 2 it seems as thou just yesturday I was holding her in my arms leaving the hospital ,...enclosed im so happy to say that I will soon be opening my etsy shop ..Im so excited I cant wait I only work on mondays as a caregiver and stay at home mommy for the rest of the days so im super excited that I will have this little store =] well thats all for now hugs to you all ~Victoria